Monday, September 14, 2015

Those little amazing things about Denmark

So  I received two letters, one for electricity and one for gas. They asked me to count my meter and tell them the numbers. Trust, honesty. It's amazing. In Greece that would have never worked :D

I also called my service- one of many I cant pronounce. I was told as a newly single mom I am entitled to some tax deduction. I told them I have no papers to prove it yet. But they took my word for it.  Not only they help people who were not born here, but they value and validate the hardship of being a single mother AND they trust you...

On another note, I am running up and down all day from school to school, juggling roles from student to teacher.
Its really not easy, especially since the school I m a student in has a hard time "placing" me. I know too much but then again too little and I do not appreciate being talked down to.

Bah, we ll see how that goes :)

I dont have much time to write though.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Money makes the world go round? Wrong.

I received a paper from one of my children today.
It said something about getting successful in life ( no specifics), make money to do certin things ( exactly like that)
I thought it was the saddest thing I read.

Make money, be successful no matter what, to do things.

Then there was a mild rant about how she felt it was not right for older people or others to demand respect, just because they think they are better than others.
Oh the irony.

But it got me thinking.
Had that kid reached out in her to see who she was or who she wanted to be growing up ( which was the assignment). No.

Working in marketing for years, I know that any successful add, video, script, film is all about feelings. It makes you feel. Sadness, empathy, joy, excitement. It makes you laugh, it shocks you.
The advertisers are banking on your feelings.

We have become more and more blaze, we are more and more secluded, afraid to have real conversations. We like, we instagram, we poke, we blog, we tweet, because our nature is communicative, but we become lonelier and isolated.
Entertainment and advertising is all about bringing emotions to the surface, awaken them.
Healthier than drugs, less risky than love.

Money is not what makes the world go round. Emotions are.
They lead you to buy something expensive in order to feel successful. They drive you to play a game in order to feel good at something. Ranks, raids, scores, achievements, loots and rewards are part of the pleasure giving," feeling special and unique" need we have. Drugs, affairs, alcohol are just tools to feel good, alive.

We feel. We don't want to feel the bad and we only want to feel the good.
Marketing is not about cost, it is not about advertising. Its about creating an impression.
Convince you that with that product, you will dissipate the worry. You made it, you are there, you have the best technology, gadget, house...
It will dissipate boredom and the thoughts that maybe you are not the best person you know.
It will entertain you and keep you occupied, and shock you and make you laugh.

But I m repeating myself.
A good marketer, script writer is a good psychologist.
A good voice artist knows how to communicate all that without image, expressions of his face.
A good composer,  gives the right music to pull these heart strings.

The world runs on emotions.
Money is just the tool used for everything else to bring those emotions.