Wednesday, August 19, 2015

I got rid of my polyps with cabbage and raw foodism

"You will need surgery"
The picture on the TV screen was frightening. A huge white lump on my vocal chord was unmistakeably the culprit of the sound my voice was doing for the past 2 days.

It was a weird sound, as if my voice was split in two, just like when you sing a verse and adds a copy of the same passage, creating that duality.
I was devastated.
I was 23, in a foreign country, hardly making any money for surgery, I was ambitious. I had plans. I had joined a music Tv station to be recognizable when my album would come out. ( Yes, back then in 1993 , we still thought of albums, cassettes etc). I had moved out of the country to have a better chance with my repertoire.
And now this.
All because I forced my voice at the highest note of the song, trying to compensate the noise in the club and the non-existent volume of my microphone.
The moment my voice split was noticeable. Right at the peak of the note.

I went home, crying.
My boyfriend, took me in his arms but I was inconsolable.
I went down to the payphone and called my mother. My mother was and is a bit a of a health freak and I avoid her old wives remedies like the plague, but with time I have learned to discern what makes sense and what is  worth while. So I called her. Besides, I needed my mama, if you know what I mean.

So I called, and after being clear she would not pay for my surgery, she told me to try and get rid of the polyps, the natural way. I was desperate, I would have done anything. And to be honest, back then I still believed that ANYTHING can be cured with nature.

So I started this regiment.
Nothing cooked.
Nothing mixed or processed. And I would shut up. To the delight of everyone around me.

Everyday I would eat a fruit, a piece of cabbage, watching my boyfriend getting stuffed on omelets and steaks.
I would chop organic  onions, carrots, herbs, celery, into little pieces and put them in a bottle with spring water. The bottle was of dark glass to prevent the light and plastic to prevent the alteration of  the  minerals, vitamins and other micro nutrients.

I did this for about a month. Of course I lost weight.
The funny part is that it was not hard after the first week. The omelets did not look appealing to me anymore. I had no more cravings. Food is just a habit, really.

D-day came, I flew home. I went to the best clinic, had a camera inserted in my nose, everything.
To make the long story short in this visit or the next, my polyps had gone.
The doctor could not believe his eyes.

A polyps is not supposed to disappear. It is a hard knob that smashes against your other vocal chord, damaging it. It has a natural circle of life. It is not absorbable. Supposedly.
But there it was.
My chords, clean as a whistle. Beautiful. Ready to go.

I thought it was worth mentioning,in case you have the same problem. Do not despair and try this method. If it worked for me. I can work for you,?

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